E-ON MyWorkPlace
Connect people and processes with a flexible and powerful application suite and achieve your business objectives.

MyWorkPlace suite offers you a set of applications covering the management of your human resources and your business objectives. All individual applications provide Management Information (MIS Reporting) through a design and implementation process of ad hoc or scheduled reporting (eg daily, weekly, etc.).
A number of prepared reports is available for the full range of system functions, that can be used directly by users.


E-On HRM is a full featured software solution for the organization, management, tracking and evaluation of your Human Resources.
It is a Self Service application that offers more advantages than other competitive systems like anyplace, anytime access through a web browser, true collaborative environment, automated workflow processes.
It is more than just a Human Resources Management System. It is a strategic tool that automates and streamlines all processes and controls. It is a strategic tool that ensures your business achieve its goals through the achievement of goals of your employees. It is a tool that supports important decisions on all operational and strategic business planning and answers questions related to the medium and long term objectives.


Activation and tracking of Key Performance Indicators - Targets and Objectives both at individual level (employee, partner, etc.) and group level (team, department, address, geographic region, etc.).

Definition of the target type (amount, rate, quality) and frequency of measurement (monthly, biannual, etc.).

Views and reporting for overall representation in the form of Objective - Score - Comparison / Deviation (value and percentage).


Creation, activation and processing of different types of questionnaires, which can cover many types of activities and needs such as Market Research, Product and Service Evaluation, Public Polls, Customer Satisfaction and Complaints, Satisfaction and Evaluation of Personnel, Training Courses Evaluation and many others.

Questionnaires can be used in combination with E-ON KPI's module for the collection of data that will feed specific objectives in the future. Or they can be used as a data entry system.

The application follows steps like:
Activation of questionnaire with parameters that define the appearance and functionality of each question and answer.
Introduction of RULES by which the question may change the "behavior" of the questionnaire.
Activation of the questionnaires and definition of "when" - once or periodically - we want to receive the responses and the number of responses (questionnaires) that each user can send.
Choice of various ways to invite the audience. QR codes posted in prominent locations. Links on the company's web site or facebook page. Electronic Invitations to individuals or groups by SMS.
Completion of the Questionnaires.
Statistical Analysis of the Questionnaires that can be executed both during the submission process or after the end of the submission period.


Creation of Assessment Models that can be used either as standalone tools, or in conjunction with questionnaires (assess questionnaire data).


Tool for implementing and managing quality processes and flows. E-ON Quality Management System is an important tool that assists the wider organization and operation of the business and also helps to improve the organization of quality issues and to achieve measurable results.
More specifically, a large range of quality control procedures can be implemented with electronic forms that incorporate workflow functionality both on internal processes and in monitoring and safeguarding corporate relationships with third parties (eg. customers, suppliers, etc.)


RIBIA is an integrated solution that provides you with the tools to strengthen your company's internal audit procedures and risk management.
It covers most of the audit tasks in ways and timelines that cannot be achieved by human effort.
It correlates audit techniques (computerized or manual) with risks.
It scores and classifies the findings.
It indicates with great precision what areas require substantial audit work.
It precisely documents the whole process.


Enables the creation and publishing of any type of digital information. Either in the form of announcement, or in the form of corporate knowledge.
Publications can have an expiration date on which they are automatically removed.
This functionality contributes to significant cost reduction for dissemination of information and printed material to specific groups of people or the whole company and its partners.
Publishing can be an immediate action or it may incorporate a workflow process through which the accuracy and approval of the published data are ensured.

E-ON MyWorkPlace HRM
A full featured solution for the organization and management, the tracking and evaluation of your personnel. A Self Service solution that offers much more than other competitive solutions.
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E-ON Processes
Create, manage, monitor and optimize now all your business processes.
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Get to know your audience. Use this knowledge to plan your next strategic moves...
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Improve the performance of your internal audit and reduce the risks...
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