E-ON RIX - Retail Internet eXchange
Business Agility, Centralized Information,
Integrated Processes, Same Customer Service

Everything you need you will find in E-ON RIX

Ε-ΟΝ RIX is an extensive application software platform that contains various Modules and serves many business sectors.

E-On RIX is a flexible software that can meet the needs of any company large or small, in the area of financial transactions and all relevant flows. Through E-ON RIX the company obtains all required functionality to cover in an integrated way all the company's workflows. Each company can make its own choices and use one or more individual Modules or use all E-ON RIX Modules in an integrated way.

But E-ON RIX does not only cover the business functionality within the boundaris of the company as traditional applications do. Because it is designed and developed with the most innovative internet and cloud infrastructure technologies, its functionality expands beyond the company and provides opportunities for collaboration with external business partners, suppliers and customers.

A single working environment with no barriers,
to engage Partners, Suppliers and Customers

All of E-ON RIX modules are ready to be delivered and can be customized parametrically by each company, according to its own needs, its processes and the particularities of each company product. E-On RIX is probably the most flexible and customizable application compared to others that are based on internet or older technologies. Most of the functionality is achieved parametrically. For example, how a voucher is presented in the screen, how it is printed, “who” is authorized to do something, “what” is debited and credited, etc.

One very important characteristic of E-ON RIX is its embedded CRM functionality. Because all entities of transactions are tightly connected to each other, all financial transactions but also all activities related to the Customer, “appear” automatically, not only in the account statement of this Customer, but also in any views that are related to the customer such as complaints, meetings, actions, campaigns, time schedules and more.

E-ON RIX suite modules:


The commercial and financial management of your business becomes an integrated collaboration platform, accessed through a web browser..


Anyplace, anytime management of your Customer Relationships.


A web application that provides the technology to create, display, manage, link and share all the information required for the successful management and coordination of a project.


Supports contract management and ensures that time reports are accurately recorded, and retrieved promptly for invoicing and that the obligations towards your customers are fulfilled.

Besides the general functionality values, E-ON RIX also embeds Best Practices functionality for various sectors such as Wholesale and Retail Businesses, Automotives and Machines Dealers and Importers, Construction Companies or other companies with extensive Project Management needs, Press and more. These best practices offer to our customers our extensive knowledge and know-how of these sectors and incorporate business logic and workflows, as actually used in the sector and not generalizations that impose “patchwork” solutions for specific requirements. These best practices ARE NOT VERSIONS of E-ON RIX for each sector but parameter choices of the same applications software.

Industry Solutions:

Wholesale and Retail

Cars, Motorbikes, Trucks, Boats (Importers, Dealers, Service, Parts).

Machines (Importers, Dealers, Service, Parts).

Publishers & Press

Construction Companies

Car Parking Provision Companies

E-ON RIX is solely the intellectual property of E-ON INTEGRATION.

The commercial and financial management of your business becomes an integrated collaboration platform, accessed through a web browser.
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Manage the Relationships with your customers and suppliers from anyplace, anytime through the web.
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Provides the web technology to create, display, manage, link and share all the information required for the successful management and coordination of a project.
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If you provide services you need E-On Contracts to ensure that you perform your obligations to your customers promptly and that your hours are accurately recorded and charged.
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