We are Green |
Discover a new way to do business using the "green" software.
Global warming, waste of natural resources, pollution; Are you conscious about your environment? Do you want to contribute to save your planet? Are you trying to make your daily life greener in every little way you can? Are you in your daily life trying to use resources most efficiently? Are you recycling? Are you trying to reduce energy consumption? Are you trying to find ways to do things at home using more energy efficient alternatives?
So now is the time for you to also find a different way to do business and use green software.
E-On Integration and its "eon-demand" applications can show you how.
With eon-demand improve the way you work and turn your business "green" at the same time.
Increase business process automation and get more business benefits with less environmental impact • eliminate the flow of paper through your business processes • automate manual processes • minimize hardware and floor space needs • minimize telecommunication needs • help your people to be more efficient • minimize commuting needs
Paper Consumption – Storage
With eon-demand reduce the use of paper by enabling business processes that produce electronic forms, invoices etc. not all of which need to be printed. Those that need to be printed are all printed on plain A4 paper. Eliminate faxes.
Environmental Benefits: Less consumption of paper means less waste of natural resources to produce it. Less space for paper documents their storage and management. Less energy consumption to light heat and cool storage spaces. Less transportation of paper documents to and from various locations, less fax machines and ink.
Business Benefits: Elimination of paper and Storage space leads to less operation costs for inventories of paper, printouts, printed documents, faxes, fax machines and maintenance, space and energy consumption.
Communication Costs
With eon-demand there is no need for faxes and there are fewer telephone communications since everybody is working on-line on the same environment regardless of their physical location.
Environmental Benefits: less energy consumption.
Business Benefits: less operation costs for telephones and faxes.
Commuting and Business Travel
With eon-demand there is less commuting and business travel for employees and partners since they collaborate on-line. There is also no need to gather data and paperwork from each location to process centrally. People can work from everywhere including their home.
Environmental Benefits: Less commuting, less traffic, less gas consumption, less Carbon pollution.
Social Benefits: Less commuting, less accidents, more free time, better life.
Business Benefits: Less commuting, more productive people, more efficient business, more profitable business.
Servers and Hardware – Computer Room Space – Air conditioning – Lights
With eon-demand you can reduce the number of servers and the computing infrastructure in your premises. All you need is on your desktop or laptop and through a common internet browser.
Environmental Benefits: Less computing infrastructure and less floor space, less energy consumption for cooling, lighting and operations.
Business Benefits: Less computing infrastructure and less space lead to less operation costs for space usage, energy consumption, purchase of new hardware, maintenance.
Routine Procedures – Back Ups - Data Storage
With eon-demand there is no need for execution of routine procedures on premises. No Back-Ups no Data Storage.
Environmental Benefits: Less space for Data Storage Devices and no routine procedures mean less energy consumption.
Business Benefits: Less space for Data Storage Devices and no routine procedures mean less operation costs.
Inventories – Storage
With eon-demand you can minimize your inventories and achieve replenishment at the right time since you know your inventory on-line at all times and you have immediate information of your clients’ requirements. It enables you to achieve shorter times between orders to your suppliers and to optimize the quantities of orders.
Environmental Benefits: Less space for Storage, less energy consumption for heating cooling and lighting.
Business Benefits: Optimization of turnaround capital. Less operations cost (space and energy consumption). |
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